We partner with online taxi drivers to provide transport services in sustainable manner in such a way that the driver gets to own the car in the long run. A driver is required to make a minimum deposit, after which we enter into a partnership where he or she makes weekly installments for a specific period usually a maximum of 48 months.
2017 | Year of Manufacture
Get fuel efficient trips
2017 | Year of Manufacture
Get fuel efficient trips and good looks
2017 | Year of Manufacture
Comfortable and Fuel Efficient
2017 | Year of Manufacture
More power and Reliable
We are dedicated to providing solutions to make the journey of owning a car smooth. We are guided by the following core values:
To qualify, one must be an online taxi driver with at least one year of experience. This is by use of various online taxi apps such as Bolt, Uber, Little, Faras, etc.
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